Affiliate Compensation Disclosure

Affiliate Compensation Disclosure:

Hey there!

We believe in transparency and honesty here at SoftPersonal, your friendly neighborhood web design agency. So, let’s talk affiliate compensation.

When you click on some links on our website or in our emails, there’s a chance they might be affiliate links. What does that mean? It means that if you end up making a purchase through those links, we might earn a small commission. But hey, don’t worry, this doesn’t affect the price you pay at all!

These commissions help us keep the lights on, pay our amazing team, and continue providing you with top-notch content, tips, and resources to make your web design journey smooth sailing.

So, whether it’s a recommendation for a tool, software, or service, just know that we only promote stuff we truly believe in and think can be helpful to you. Your trust means everything to us, and we wouldn’t jeopardize that for a quick buck.

If you have any questions about our affiliate partnerships or anything else, feel free to shoot us an email at or give us a ring at +1 (440) 760-6564. We’re always here to chat!

Thanks for being awesome and supporting us. Now, let’s go build some amazing websites together!

Warm regards,

Waseem Iqbal
(Admin and CEO, SoftPersonal)